Transforming education
around the world

One World Academy provides quality, inclusive education to children
in some of the world's poorest regions. 

We believe that everyone has an equal right to education

We are a non-profit organization whose mission is to remove barriers to access higher education for people who have been forced away from their homes. We help young people get the education they need to build better futures. Education is a powerful lever for change: it helps young people develop their talents and capacities, improve their job prospects, and build better livelihoods. 
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reached with distance learning

Together, we are changing the world

What we do

We are committed to providing a world-class education for all of our students, regardless of their background, or circumstances

Our Impact

Our Academy has been a catalyst for change, and the impact it has had on children’s lives is nothing short of remarkable. Today, more than 10000 children, are in school in our partner countries .

Partner Countries

We are an unprecedented alliance of governments & philanthropic organizations working to empower more than 10000 students in lower-income countries to reach their potential. 

Quality Teaching

Teachers are the heart and soul of education systems. One World Academy helps partner countries improve the quality of education by empowering teachers, and ensuring they are qualified, motivated and well supported. 
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Small change.Big change.

We help young people get the education they need to build better futures!

We have built a team of world class professionals with years of experience in the field. This enables us to create engaging courses, tutorials and other learning materials across a wide variety of categories.

Open a whole world of education

In our platform, you will find all of our available online courses. Here you can also connect with our global student community. 

Stories of change

We help young people get the education they need to build better futures!


Student, Nepal
"During the pandemic, our teachers weren't able to interact with us. However, I'm glad I can still learn through this online platform. It offers both video and audio options. It's nice being able to see the explanation in video format."


Student, Pakistan
"School is going well and I am learning a lot. We have regular teachers who teach us well.  I like the e-learning program because there are questions and detailed explanations."


Student, India
"Without going to school, I would have no job in the future. If I didn't go to school, I'd have to work on my parents' farm. In the future, I hope to become a teacher. To do this, I must study hard. My goal is to help children like myself."

Explore our Courses

One World Academy believes in innovative ideas to transform the lives of the underprivileged. 
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